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“Go, Send, Welcome, Pray- How can you stand in the gap" with intent to focus on how each of us can play a part in global missions. Faith Fellowship continued to remain constant in our Faith Promise Giving.
Faith Fellowship Church has a Missions Team with their own board to work with the mission partners, allocate funds to certain missionaries, and to educate those at Faith Fellowship how to spread the gospel to all nations.
Faith Fellowship Church has a Missions Team with their own board to work with the mission partners, allocate funds to certain missionaries, and to educate those at Faith Fellowship how to spread the gospel to all nations.

Homes of Hope
You can serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trips
Each year we send a team to Mexico to build a home for a family. We partner with Homes of Hope in order to build a home in 3 days. Our team gets put together between October and January. The fundraising for this project begins in January. Funds raised will go to pay for the walls, paint, windows, roof, appliances, furniture, and household items. The team then travels at the end of April to a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base where they will meet up with Homes of Hope team they will be working with for the house build. This will also be where they will sleep and eat for the time they are in Mexico.